So yeah, does getting a tattoo hurt? Duh, it does.
You’ve got a needle jabbing into your skin a bunch of times to stick ink in there. It’s not exactly a spa day. But how bad it hurts kinda depends.
I mean everyone’s got their own deal going on with pain. Some folks sit there getting massive tattoos like it’s nothing, while others are freaking out over a tiny little dot.
My first one was this skull on my forearm a couple years ago, and it stung. Not crying-level bad, but like a weird scratchy burn that wouldn’t quit.
You’re sitting there thinking it’s fine at first, then ten minutes in you’re wondering how much longer you’ve gotta deal with it.
Where You Get It Matters
The spot you pick makes a huge difference. That forearm one wasn’t too awful since it’s kinda fleshy.
But then I got one on my ribs later and man, that was rough. Ribs are no joke. It’s all bone and thin skin, and every buzz of the needle had me clenching my jaw like “Why did I do this?”
People say bony spots hurt more, and I totally get that now. My buddy got one on his shin and said it was like a hot knife scraping him. Sounds awful.
Thicker spots like your arm or thigh though, those aren’t as bad. I’ve heard the back’s pretty chill too, lots of padding to take the edge off.
What It Actually Feels Like
So what’s the pain like? The needle’s buzzing super fast, poking you over and over. Some say it’s like a cat scratching you nonstop. Others call it a bad sunburn getting rubbed raw. For me, it’s kinda both, depending on the moment.
If you’re tired or hungover, it’s worse – trust me, I found out the hard way once. Went in after a rough night and every poke felt like it was personal. Size matters too.
My little skull took 20 minutes, which I could handle. But those giant sleeves that take hours? No clue how people do that.
They say you get numb to it eventually, but I’m skeptical. I’d be begging for a break.
Your Pain Tolerance Plays a Role
Pain tolerance is a big factor. My sister got a tiny flower on her ankle and acted like it was torture.
Then my cousin’s covered in ink and shrugs it off like it’s nothing. What’s the deal? Some people just take it better, I guess.
Or they’re faking it to look tough. I’m in the middle somewhere. I can deal, but I’m not gonna pretend it’s a breeze.
You’ve gotta know yourself. If you’re the type who cries over a paper cut, maybe start small.
The Artist Can Make or Break It
Who’s holding the needle matters too. A good artist knows how to go light, not dig in too hard. My first guy was solid, kept it easy.
But I’ve heard horror stories of people getting butchered by some newbie pressing way too deep, and yeah, that sounds like a nightmare. Pick someone good, not just the cheapest spot around.
My friend learned that lesson with a wonky tattoo and a lot of cussing. A pro can make it hurt less, or at least not worse than it needs to.
The Aftermath Sucks Too
Don’t sleep on the after part either. When it’s done, your skin’s all mad and raw, like a fresh scrape. For a few days it’s sore and achy.
You’ve gotta keep it slathered in ointment, make sure it’s clean, and if you bump it into something? Good luck.
I smacked my arm on a doorframe the day after and almost yelled. It’s not as intense as the tattooing, but it’s this annoying little nag that sticks around.
Worst Spots and Best Spots
Certain places hurt way more. Ribs, shins, collarbone – those are brutal. Feet and hands too, all those nerves and bones. I’m not going near that. But upper arms, thighs, maybe your back? Way easier.
Next time I’m sticking to the soft stuff, learned my lesson with the bony spots. Pick smart if you’re worried about pain.
Your Head Messes With You
Nerves make it worse too. First time I was all anxious, and it felt bigger than it probably was. Second time I chilled out more, and it wasn’t as rough. If you’re tensed up expecting hell, every poke’s gonna hit harder. Try to relax. Music helps.
My guy had some metal blasting, and I just zoned out to it. Kept me sane.
Outline vs Shading
Oh and the outline versus shading? Different beasts. Outline’s quick, sharp little stabs. Shading’s this long, dragging burn that I hated more. Took forever. Some folks say the opposite though, so it’s whatever you feel. Either way, it’s not comfy.
Yeah It Hurts, But You’ll Live
Bottom line, tattoos hurt. No getting around it. How much depends on where, how big, who’s doing it, how you’re holding up that day. It’s not like getting stabbed with a sword or anything wild, but it’s not a hug either. You’ll survive though. Most do.
And then you’ve got this cool thing on you forever, which kinda makes it worth it. I don’t regret mine, even if I was muttering curses half the time. If you’re thinking about it, just go for it. Start small if you’re scared.
Worst case, you hate it and call it quits. Best case, you’re hooked. Either way, you’ll figure out what it’s like. And yeah it hurts, but you’ll be fine. Probably.